Hi, I’m Lakshya Soni. I specialize in turning complex data into actionable insights, with a background in AI and data science and power engineering. I currently help in driving multimedia strategies at Network18, India’s largest media firm.

From automating processes to developing cutting-edge tools for multimedia, i love exploring them all. I have a PG degree in AI & Data Science from Jio Institute and a Bachelor’s in Power Engineering.

Outside of work, I’m an avid fan of anime and K-dramas, with “Naruto” being a particular favorite. Naruto’s relentless determination and belief in himself inspire me to persist and strive towards my goals, both professionally and personally.

Let’s connect on linkedIn or via email to discuss AI, innovations, or the latest in anime and K-dramas!

Thank you for visiting. I’m excited to explore potential collaborations and new opportunities with you!